Announcement from Wileman & Associates

After serious consideration, I have decided to retire from the executive search business. Due to the economy and its impact on the insurance industry, business has been dismal for me for the past two years. Truthfully, I don't have the desire to start over when the economy recovers.

I am going to launch a new career in professional writing and editing. I honed those skills during nearly 25 years in search as I prepared business development materials, search profiles and candidate presentations.

I believe there is a market for this expertise, even in today's world of Internet-based communication. Skills learned by e-mailing and twittering are a definite hindrance to writing a well-formed document. Spelling and grammar checking tools can lull any writer into complacence.

Many people are looking for someone to help them either write or edit their copy for websites, marketing materials and even blog posts. I am excited to launch my new career of being that someone for them.

If you know anyone who needs help in the areas of either writing or editing, feel free to send that person my way!

My website will be changed at a later date. You can most easily reach me on my cell: 404-386-9224 or at

Please accept my sincere "thank you" for being a business associate and friend.

Sherry Wileman


Wileman & Associates, LLC
341 Evie Lane
Canton, GA 30115
Phone:  678-493-9448  Fax: 770-720-3457